The COVID-19 Human Genetics Study
C-19 Human Genetics Study:
Citizen Scientists Wanted
Available for residents in the US and UK.
COVID-19 has upended daily life for citizens around the globe.
Based on their genetics, certain individuals and populations may be impacted more severely. LifeDNA is conducting a collaboration study on COVID-19 with the University of Hawai’i.
Our Goal
The goal of the study is to identify those that are most vulnerable to the current and future SARS attacks and COVID based on their genetics.
Here is your chance to become a Citizen Scientist and help the global effort to understand this devastating disease.
We Are Looking For Participants
The study is open to individuals who are 18-60 years old. Please follow the steps below in order to join.
Register today
Register, read details about the study, and give your consent for your participation.
Monitor your health
Use a mobile app where you will provide your health status and report any symptoms every 1-3 days (The Zoe Health Study App’s instructions will be provided upon your confirmation).
Send your DNA
Provide a DNA sample for genotyping when requested.