Decoding the Genetics of Power vs. Endurance

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Decoding the Genetics of Power vs. Endurance

Date of Content: December 8, 2023
Written by: Jess Gayo
Reviewed by: Maarit Tiirikainen, PhD


What is Power?

In the realm of exercise and fitness, power is a crucial physiological attribute representing the ability to generate force rapidly. It is the product of both strength and speed, quantifying the rate at which work is performed. Scientifically, power is calculated as the work done per unit of time, and it plays a pivotal role in various athletic activities, ranging from explosive movements in weightlifting to rapid accelerations in sprinting.

Biologically, the neuromuscular system is central to power production. Fast-twitch muscle fibers, characterized by their quick contraction speed, are heavily recruited during powerful movements. Additionally, the nervous system’s efficiency in signaling these muscle fibers influences power output. Training methodologies to enhance power typically involve a combination of strength training to optimize force production and speed-focused exercises to refine the rapid application of that force.

Research indicates that power training not only improves athletic performance but also contributes to overall functional fitness and injury prevention. As individuals age, maintaining power becomes particularly crucial for preserving mobility and preventing falls. Therefore, a comprehensive approach to fitness should encompass exercises specifically designed to enhance power, benefiting individuals across various age groups and fitness levels.

Power vs. Endurance

What is Endurance?

Endurance, on the other hand, refers to the body’s ability to sustain prolonged physical activity or resist fatigue over an extended period. Scientifically, it involves the efficient utilization of energy and oxygen to support continuous muscle contractions. Endurance can be categorized into different forms, including aerobic endurance, which relies on the oxygen-dependent energy system, and anaerobic endurance, which involves short bursts of intense activity without relying on oxygen.

Physically, endurance is closely tied to cardiovascular and respiratory functions. Efficient oxygen transport, utilization, and removal of metabolic byproducts are critical components. Capillarization of muscles, mitochondrial density, and the oxidative capacity of muscle fibers contribute to improved endurance. Training methods for enhancing endurance often include aerobic exercises such as running, cycling, or swimming, designed to optimize these physiological adaptations.

Endurance training offers numerous health benefits, including improved cardiovascular health, increased metabolism, and better weight management. Scientific studies consistently link endurance exercise to a reduced risk of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and obesity. As an integral component of overall fitness, endurance is essential for enhancing one’s quality of life and supporting a healthy, active lifestyle.

What Affects Power and Endurance?

Power and endurance are influenced by a combination of genetic factors, training methods, and physiological adaptations. Genetics plays a role in determining baseline capabilities, while targeted training, nutrition, and lifestyle choices significantly impact the development and maintenance of both power and endurance in the realm of exercise and fitness.

Genetic Factors

Genetics significantly shape an individual’s predisposition to excel in power or endurance activities. Understanding these genetic factors provides insights into optimizing athletic performance tailored to individual strengths. Here are some examples:


Elite athletes’ performance in power sports is influenced by genetic factors, notably the ACTN3 gene. This gene encodes α-actinin-3, a protein crucial for explosive muscle contractions in type II muscle fibers. The ACTN3 R577X polymorphism, specifically the RR genotype (rs1815739-CC), is associated with high muscle strength and power in athletes. A 2019  research study’ on ACTN3 looked at diverse genetic and non-genetic factors, offering insights into the complex interplay influencing elite power sports performance.


The IL6 gene’s −174 G/C polymorphism (rs1800795) is a potential determinant of individual variations in health and exercise-related traits. In a 2010 study involving men of Caucasian descent, genotypic and allelic frequencies in three groups were compared: elite endurance athletes, elite power athletes, and non-athletic controls.

The GG genotype and G allele frequencies were significantly higher in the power athletes compared to both the control and endurance athlete groups. The odds of being a power athlete were 2.5 times higher for those with the GG genotype compared to the control or endurance athlete groups. These findings suggest that the G allele of the IL6 −174 G/C polymorphism may be associated with a preference for sprint/power sports performance.


A recent study examined the impact of genetic variants in ACE, ACTN3, ADRB1, and PPARGC1A genes on endurance performance in 46 Australian Football League (AFL) players. The ADRB1 Arg389Gly (rs1801253-CC) and PPARGC1A Gly482Ser (rs8192678-GG)genotypes were significantly associated with faster two-kilometer time trials.


In one study, the association between genetic polymorphisms and power athlete status with possible interference by race and sex was investigated to identify genetic variants favorable for becoming a power athlete. Thirty-five articles published between 2008 and 2016 were identified as eligible including a total number of 5834 power athletes and 14,018 controls.

A series of meta-analyses were conducted for each of the identified genetic polymorphisms associated with power athlete status. Significant associations were found for the genetic polymorphisms in the ACE (rs4363, rs1799752), ACTN3 (rs1815739), AGT (rs699), IL6-174 (rs1800795), MnSOD (rs1799725), NOS3 (rs1799983, rs2070744) and SOD2 (rs4880) genes.


A 2008 study explored the frequency distribution of the vascular endothelial growth factor gene (VEGF; G-634C polymorphism, rs 2010963) alleles in athletes and a control group. Among endurance athletes, the C-allele frequency is significantly higher, correlating with increased sports qualification.

The study also identified associations between the VEGF rs2010963 C-allele and high aerobic performance, maximal power, maximal oxygen consumption, and a significant contribution to energy supply in aerobic metabolism (maximal lactate content). The G-634C polymorphism of the VEGF gene has a significant effect on athletes’ physical performance and can play a pivotal role in sport type selection.

Environmental Factors

Environmental factors play a pivotal role in influencing the balance between power and endurance, thus shaping an individual’s fitness profile. Scientific evidence highlights several key environmental elements that impact the development and expression of power and endurance.

  1. Altitude: Altitude affects oxygen availability, crucial for aerobic energy production. At higher altitudes, the lower oxygen levels can challenge endurance performance initially. However, long-term exposure may stimulate adaptations, promoting enhanced endurance due to increased red blood cell production.
  2. Temperature and Humidity: Environmental temperature and humidity impact both power and endurance. High temperatures can increase the metabolic cost of exercise, affecting endurance. Conversely, cooler temperatures may enhance power output by improving muscle function and reducing the risk of overheating during explosive efforts.
  3. Air Quality: Poor air quality, characterized by high levels of pollutants, can compromise respiratory function, affecting endurance. Research links exposure to air pollutants with decreased lung function and impaired cardiovascular health, potentially limiting one’s ability to sustain prolonged physical activity.
  4. Terrain and Surface: The type of terrain and surface on which exercise occurs influences the demands on muscles and joints. Uneven or soft surfaces may increase energy expenditure during endurance activities, while flat and firm surfaces can facilitate higher power output, especially in activities like sprinting or jumping.
  5. Nutritional Factors: Nutrition plays a crucial role in supporting both power and endurance. Adequate carbohydrate intake is vital for sustaining endurance activities by replenishing glycogen stores. Protein intake is essential for muscle repair and growth, contributing to power development. Hydration is also critical for overall performance in both domains.
  6. Psychological Stress: Environmental stressors, such as work pressure or personal challenges, can impact mental resilience and focus during exercise. Psychological stress may affect the perception of effort and, consequently, influence an individual’s ability to sustain effort over time, impacting power and endurance.
  7. Sleep Quality and Quantity: Sleep is a critical factor influencing recovery and performance. Inadequate or poor-quality sleep can impair cognitive function, coordination, and reaction time, negatively impacting both power and endurance. Conversely, sufficient and quality sleep supports optimal physical and mental functioning.
  8. Training Environment: The specific environment in which training occurs can influence adaptations. For example, training at high temperatures may enhance heat tolerance, while cold exposure might stimulate adaptations that improve performance in cooler conditions. Altitude training, whether natural or simulated, can elicit specific physiological responses impacting both power and endurance.
  9. Social and Cultural Influences: Cultural and social factors can influence lifestyle choices, including physical activity patterns. Societal norms and expectations may impact the type and intensity of activities individuals engage in, influencing the development of power or endurance based on cultural preferences and practices.

Understanding and adapting to these environmental factors can help individuals tailor their training and lifestyle choices to optimize the interplay between power and endurance, fostering a balanced and well-rounded approach to fitness.

What are the Protein Recommendations for Power vs. Endurance Athletes?

Protein recommendations for power and endurance athletes differ based on their distinct physiological demands. Power athletes engaging in activities such as weightlifting or sprinting typically require protein to support muscle hypertrophy and rapid recovery. 

  • The suggested protein intake ranges from 1.2 to 2.2 grams per kilogram of body weight per day for power athletes. 

This higher range accounts for increased muscle protein synthesis associated with explosive, strength-focused activities. On the other hand, endurance athletes involved in activities like running or cycling require protein for muscle repair and sustained energy. 

  • The recommended protein intake for endurance athletes generally falls within the range of 1.2 to 1.4 grams per kilogram of body weight per day. 

While endurance activities may not demand as high a protein intake as power-focused endeavors, they remain crucial for supporting overall muscle health and recovery. Timing is also a critical consideration. 

Both power and endurance athletes benefit from distributing protein intake evenly across meals and incorporating protein-rich snacks post-exercise to optimize muscle protein synthesis. These recommendations align with the current understanding of protein’s role in muscle adaptation and recovery, supporting the specific needs of power and endurance athletes.

Does Endurance Training Build Muscle?

While endurance training primarily focuses on cardiovascular fitness and sustained physical activity, it also has implications for muscle development. However, the extent to which endurance training builds muscle mass is limited compared to resistance or strength training. Endurance exercises like running, cycling, or swimming primarily engage slow-twitch muscle fibers and may not induce the same level of muscle hypertrophy as high-intensity resistance training.

Endurance training can lead to certain adaptations in muscle tissue, including increased mitochondrial density, improved capillarization, and enhanced oxidative capacity. These changes optimize the muscles’ ability to utilize oxygen efficiently during prolonged activity. Additionally, endurance training can stimulate the growth of slow-twitch muscle fibers, contributing to improved endurance performance.

While endurance training may not result in significant muscle size gains, it can enhance muscle tone, definition, and overall muscular endurance. The combination of endurance and resistance training often yields the most comprehensive results, promoting both cardiovascular health and muscle development. Optimal outcomes are achieved by incorporating a well-rounded fitness regimen with targeted resistance training and endurance activities.

How Can Endurance Athletes Best Delay Muscle Fatigue During Training?

Endurance athletes often seek strategies to delay muscle fatigue during training, aiming to sustain performance and improve overall training adaptations. Some approaches include:

  • Nutritional Strategies
  • Carbohydrate Loading: Consuming a diet rich in carbohydrates before endurance training can help maximize glycogen stores, delaying fatigue during prolonged activity.
  • Carbohydrate Intake During Exercise: Consuming carbohydrates during extended endurance activities can help maintain blood glucose levels and delay the onset of muscle fatigue.
  • Amino Acid Supplementation: Consuming protein or essential amino acids during endurance exercise may help preserve muscle protein synthesis and delay muscle fatigue, especially in prolonged activities.
  • Hydration
  • Optimal Fluid Intake: Dehydration can significantly impact endurance performance and accelerate muscle fatigue. Adequate fluid intake, personalized to individual needs and environmental conditions, is crucial for sustained performance.
  • Electrolyte Balance
  • Replacement of Electrolytes: Sweating during prolonged exercise leads to the loss of electrolytes. Replacing sodium, potassium, and other electrolytes can help maintain proper muscle function and delay fatigue.
  • Caffeine Supplementation
  • Caffeine’s Ergogenic Effect: Caffeine has been shown to enhance endurance performance by reducing the perception of effort and increasing alertness. Moderate caffeine intake before or during endurance training can help delay fatigue.
  • Interval Training
  • Incorporating High-Intensity Intervals: Interval training, alternating between periods of high and low intensity, has been shown to enhance endurance performance and delay muscle fatigue by improving cardiovascular fitness and increasing lactate threshold.
  • Strategic Training Plans: Periodizing training programs with varying intensities, volumes, and recovery periods optimizes performance and helps delay muscle fatigue by preventing overtraining and promoting proper recovery.
  • Heat Acclimatization
  • Training in Heat: Acclimatizing to hot conditions can improve endurance performance by reducing core body temperature and heart rate, ultimately delaying the onset of muscle fatigue.
  • Mental Strategies
  • Cognitive Techniques: Mental fatigue can contribute to physical fatigue. Implementing cognitive strategies, such as positive self-talk and mental imagery, can enhance mental resilience and delay perceived muscle fatigue.
  • Proper Warm-up and Stretching
  • Dynamic Warm-up: A thorough warm-up increases muscle temperature and blood flow, improving flexibility and delaying the onset of muscle fatigue.
  • Post-Exercise Stretching: Incorporating stretching into the post-exercise routine can aid in flexibility and reduce muscle stiffness, potentially delaying muscle fatigue.

Endurance athletes should tailor these strategies based on individual needs, training goals, and the specific demands of their chosen activities. It’s essential to experiment with different approaches during training to identify the most effective combination for delaying muscle fatigue and enhancing overall endurance performance.

How Do You Train for Endurance?

Endurance training involves a multifaceted approach to enhance cardiovascular fitness, stamina, and overall performance. Some training methods include: 

  1. Aerobic Exercise: Engaging in sustained, moderate-intensity aerobic activities like long-distance running or cycling helps improve cardiovascular health, increase mitochondrial density, and enhance endurance.
  2. Interval Training: High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT): Alternating between short bursts of high-intensity exercise and periods of lower intensity or rest is shown to boost aerobic capacity, increase lactate threshold, and improve overall endurance.
  3. Fartlek Training: Fartlek, or “speed play,” involves alternating between periods of faster and slower-paced running or cycling. This approach enhances aerobic and anaerobic fitness, contributing to improved endurance.
  4. Cross-Training: Integrating activities like swimming, rowing, or cross-country skiing diversifies the training stimulus, preventing overuse injuries, and promoting overall fitness.
  5. Strength Training: Strengthening specific muscle groups through resistance exercises improves biomechanics, enhances muscular endurance, and supports overall endurance performance.
  6. Optimal Carbohydrate Intake: Adequate carbohydrates fuel endurance activities by replenishing glycogen stores. Proper hydration and electrolyte balance are also critical for sustained performance.
  7. Rest and Recovery: Structuring training with periods of increased intensity followed by adequate rest optimizes adaptations and reduces the risk of overtraining, supporting long-term endurance gains.
  8. Flexibility Training: Enhancing flexibility through dynamic and static stretching improves joint range of motion and reduces the risk of injury during endurance activities.
  9. Altitude Training: Training at higher altitudes or using altitude-simulating equipment stimulates physiological adaptations, including increased red blood cell production, which can enhance endurance performance.
  10. Mental Conditioning:  Developing mental resilience through techniques like visualization, positive self-talk, and goal-setting contributes to improved focus and endurance during challenging activities.

Individualized training plans should consider factors such as fitness level, goals, and specific activity requirements. Periodic assessments and adjustments to training intensity and volume are essential for sustained progress and injury prevention in endurance training.

How Do You Train for Endurance Running?

Endurance running demands a specialized training approach to enhance cardiovascular fitness, muscular endurance, and biomechanical efficiency. Endurance training running may include:

  1. Progressive Distance Running: Gradually increasing running distances allows the cardiovascular system to adapt, improving endurance.
  2. Interval Training: Incorporating high-intensity intervals improves aerobic and anaerobic capacity, enhancing overall running performance.
  3. Long Runs: Extended, slower-paced runs build endurance, improve fuel utilization, and enhance mental resilience during sustained efforts.
  4. Strength Training: Targeted resistance exercises, particularly for lower body muscles, enhance running biomechanics and reduce injury risk.
  5. Nutritional Support: Ensuring adequate carbohydrate intake for glycogen replenishment, along with proper hydration and electrolyte balance, sustains energy levels during long runs.
  6. Rest and Recovery: Periodizing training with rest days allows for physiological adaptations and reduces the risk of overuse injuries.
  7. Biomechanical Analysis: Evaluating running form can identify inefficiencies, helping runners optimize technique and reduce the risk of injury.

Tailoring these strategies to individual fitness levels and goals fosters optimal adaptations for endurance running, promoting sustained performance improvements.

LifeDNA’s Power vs. Endurance Report

Unlock the secrets of your genetic fitness blueprint with LifeDNA’s Power vs. Endurance Report. Delve into the science-backed insights that decode your genetic predispositions for power and endurance, guiding you toward a personalized fitness journey. Our comprehensive Fitness Report empowers you with a deep understanding of your genetic makeup, laying the foundation for a targeted and effective wellness plan.

Explore further with LifeDNA’s range of specialized reports, including the Aerobic Capacity Report, Muscle Strength Report, and Post-Exercise Recovery Rate Report. Uncover the nuances of your genetic potential to optimize every aspect of your fitness routine.

Embark on your wellness journey today and take the first step towards a healthier, more informed you. Seize the opportunity to revolutionize your fitness approach based on the unique insights gleaned from your DNA. Your genetic fitness story awaits – start decoding it with LifeDNA now.


  • Power represents the ability to generate force rapidly, crucial for explosive movements.
  • Endurance is the ability to sustain prolonged physical activity, involving efficient energy and oxygen utilization.
  • Both power and endurance are influenced by genetics, environmental factors, training, and physiological adaptations.
  • Endurance training enhances muscle tone, definition, and overall muscular endurance. Combining endurance and resistance training yields comprehensive results.
  • Individualized training plans based on fitness level, goals, and specific requirements yield the best results for power and endurance enhancement.


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Christopher Devlin
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*Understanding your genetics can offer valuable insights into your well-being, but it is not deterministic. Your traits can be influenced by the complex interplay involving nature, lifestyle, family history, and others.

Our reports have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The contents on our website and our reports are for informational purposes only, and are not intended to diagnose any medical condition, replace the advice of a healthcare professional, or provide any medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Consult with a healthcare professional before making any major lifestyle changes or if you have any other concerns about your results. The testimonials featured may have used more than one LifeDNA or LifeDNA vendors’ product or reports.